Fees & Registration

Online registration will be open until September 3rd!

Please register here.


No online registration will be possible after September 3rd. Single day tickets will be available directly at the conference at the cost of 50 Euros per day. These tickets include participation at the conference (keynotes, paper and posterpresentations, workshops) for one day, but no lunch or social programme participation.


There are two options for the conference fees:

(1) with accommodation (mixed dormitory)

Early Bird: 200 Euros (until May 15th)

Regular:    240 Euros (subject to availability)

(2) without accommodation

Early Bird: 110 Euros (until May 15th)

Regular:    150 Euros

Both options will include conference participation with lunch on all three days, welcome reception (Wednesday evening), and the conference dinner (Thursday evening).

Option (1) includes three nights (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) in a dormitory bed with breakfast.


Fees must be paid to the following bank account:

Recipient: Universität Wien

Recipient address: Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

IBAN AT08 3200 0000 0067 5447
Reference/Reason for Payment: DP441003 [your name]

Bank name: Raiffeisenlandesbank NÖ-Wien

Bank address: F.-W.-Raiffeisen-Platz 1, 1020 Wien

IMPORTANT: It is absolutely necessary to indicate the reference number (DP441003). Otherwise, your payment cannot be assigned correctly.


Cancellation / Refund Policy

You conference fee can be refunded as follows:

100% refund for cancellations until June 15, 2017

50% refund for cancellations until July 15, 2017

25% refund for cancellations until August 15, 2017

Please note that cancellations after August 15th can not be refunded at all.